Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Outside Reading
I read more of New Moon and this does not only have a connection to real life, but it also has a connection to one of my pervious blogs about this book! I said that Bella needed to get out and meet more people and that will help her get over Edward, and that maybe even she will meet a boy and realize Edward is not the one for her. I didn't read far enough to see that she has totally moved on to another guy, but my prediction and my advice was right! And it really came true! Bella had Jacob over with a new friend. They all sat in her garage and they were laughing and teasing and having a great time. This was the first time Bella had laughed in months. This is so natural and healthy for Bella, and in real life this is so good for people coming out of a relationship to do this because it really shows them making progress getting over that person. The even better thing was that Bella realized she enjoyed herself and she did not have a nightmare that night. This part makes me so happy because I really just wanted to see Bella happy now. This is just like something that happens to my friends. I have had many friends come out of hard relationships and dwell on it. Once I see my friends get out and have a good time I feel great. I always tell them that's what they need to do, and I am very glad it can work for them and for Bella. I can not wait to read on!
Outside Reading
I read more of New Moon and found even more connections to real life. Bella just got a new job, and in the store she works there are people talking about bears. This reminds her of the nightmares she has been having. Many things in real life can lead you to nightmares like Bella is having. Bella has also been having nightmares ever since Edward has left, she wakes up screaming and crying. These men talking about bears make her remember this. This is hard for Bella. This is like any case. The only thing that is different from real life is that I have never actually ever heard of someone having nightmares after they have lost a boyfriend. But now that I think of it in Bella's case it is almost like he is dying, because she is never going to see him again or even hear from him. I think now this is very reasonable for her to have nightmares. I know that if someone lost there husband or the person they loved the most they would have nightmares. I am very fortunate I have not had to experience something like this in my life yet. I am sure something will come up similar to this. It is nice being able to see an experience so I can maybe remember and help my self with that base.
Outside Reading
I read more in the book New Moon, Bella saw a movie with her friend Jessica. This movie was about zombies and scary things like that. Bella got very scared of the movie and it also reminded her of Edward. I know I have written a lot about how Bella can't get over Edward but that is most of the story in the first half. This very well relates to real life because if you think you are in true love then you can never forget. Anyone that feels this way, not just Bella but anyone in the world today experiences this. First love is the hardest to get over. And this was Bella's first love. I myself have experienced that and also lost it. The reason it is so hard to get over is because you don't know any different. You think that this is the only person in the world for you when there are so many other. Bella needs to take time and try to experience other people. I know she thought he was the on but she is not going to get anywhere but just dwelling in the past. If she goes out with her friends more and tries to meet more people maybe she will find someone else and maybe even realize that Edward is not the one for her. This is the case for most peoples first love. After they get over it and meet someone else they realize that that can be better.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Outside Reading
I read more in the book New Moon. In this chapter I read Bella was out with on of her friends seeing a movie and then they decided to go get something to eat. They decided not to drive and to walk on the side walk to go get there food. Bella saw these men that she thought she has seen before. She thought these were the men that wanted to hurt her when Edward saved her. She walked up to the men and she though she was hearing Edwards voice. This relates a lot to real life because when you break up with someone you tend to think you hear there voice or you think they are there when they are really not. Bella is having a really hard time with this one. Even thought Edwards voice is telling her not to go towards the men she still does. And I think she does this because it will keep Edward around or his voice around trying to protect her and tell her what to do, and she wants to keep him there as long as she can. Bella also mentioned how she wants to remember him and that she was so glad she remembered his voice. This also relates to real life. If someone has broken up with someone or hasn't seem them in a very long time they do not want to completely forget them. So I think it is a good thing she is remembering. This part really relates to real life because there are so many relationships in life, and they are all pretty similar when it comes down to it, and how they all end and how people cope with it.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Outside Reading
In the book New Moon there are many real life connections. I read about how Bella had to go to the hospital because she was in shock. Many people have to go to the hospital because of shock. Shock can come from many different things. In this case Bellas shock came because of Edward leaving. In today's world there are many divorces. You can think of this like a divorce, because of what Edward and Bella had was pretty much marriage it is a lot like a divorce. Many people today are going through divorces. I know personally that this is not a fun thing, I have had many friends have to go through this and I have tried to be a big help to them. Luckily I don't have to go through this. But I have heard this can be very hard on many of the parents. Especially on the women. Some people change and they get sick which causes them to have to go to the hospital. This is like the problem Bella had. The worst cases is when it is unexpected. In Bellas case it was totally unexpected. I have had friends tell me about divorces that are unexpected and I know that the parents have a very hard time with it, and it does sometimes lead to one of the persons having to go to the hospital. They could have had the same situation as Bella like going into shock, or they could have gotten another sickness because of how sad they are. Relationships are hard, and they can cause major pain to a lot of people. But it is also how we survive in life, and what makes our life. The hardest, and the best thing ever is what makes our life, love.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Outside Reading
I read more in my outside reading book Twilight, I have also connected more points to real life. The two girls go to see a movie about zombies. Now the funny thing is, in this book their are actual vampires. But in real life there are not vampires. This part of the book brings imagination to the story, and makes it unreal. But the girls go to see a movie which most girls, and boys do today. That is a very popular thing. Also Bella's dad is really nagging her about hanging out with friends. Parents these days are really on their children's back, and I feel like by adding that to the book it really connects it to kids today, and life today. My parents are always nagging me about everything. But the last thing they nag me on is hanging out with friends. They would say that I do that too much. I think that Bella is just a girl finding her way. Many people and teenagers still don't understand a lot of things. And I feel that Bella is right there just like any other teenagers today. I feel this book is a good book for teenagers to read because it does really connect to teenage life in many ways and I think this would be good for teenagers to read.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Outside Reading
I read more of Twilight and I find even more connections. This book can really connect to a teenagers life because many teenagers go through boyfriends and girlfriends, and also very hard breakups. Bella is still going through her hard breakup and her dad is getting very worried about her. It has been about 5 months now. People in real life can take this long to get over a boyfriend or girlfriend. But personally I think to mope around like Bella is doing is going to get you no where. You need to take your mind off of that person, and off of what happened. You do this by hanging out with your friends, doing fun things, and meeting new people. Bella's dad is trying to get her to do this. Bella tries to make him happy by asking an old friend to go to a movie with her. Bella's old friend is very surprised she talked to her, and even more surprised she invited her to a movie. This can also happen when you are in a relationship. Bella lost all of her old friends while she was dating Edward. I think this is something very important not to do, especially in high school. I think it was bad of Bella to lose her old friends. But luckily for her Bella's friend agrees to go the the movie. Many girls now a days would not agree. They are much more stubborn and would care a lot more about what they did in the past. The connections from the book are very similar to teenagers lives today.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Number Poem
It was the seventh day of the seventh month
There were seven people
They made a septical
They liked to ride a septacylce
They wish they had spetuplits
But I gues you don't always get what you want
There were seven people
They made a septical
They liked to ride a septacylce
They wish they had spetuplits
But I gues you don't always get what you want
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