My favorite book is called "A Child Shall Lead Them" by Diane Komp. This book is about a womens life as a docter taking care of a baby with cancer. This book is more about her finding herself through the baby she is looking after. The baby is the first going through a bone marrow transplant, which people are usnsure will work. This is about her faith-affirming experiance. How she finds joy and faith in terminally-ill children. She learns more about life and how much she has, and what these little kids are going throught. This book really makes you take a second look on life and how lucky we are. I like this book because I battled cancer myself so it relates to me. It makes me thing again how lucky I am to be here, and to never take anything for granted.
Hey Molly,
My name is Anna and I'm a student at the University of Minnesota who is reading your blog. So far I love it! I like that you have such a personal connection with the book and it's great that you can talk so openly about it. Has reading this book made you think about becoming a doctor too? How does the doctor in the story find joy and faith in terminally ill children? Is it because they are fighting so hard to survive? How did you find this book; was it a gift to you or did you find it at the library?
Hi anna,
Thanks for the nice comment, I hope you get this because I think I have to comment back on here. This book is really special to me because I also fought the battle! But when I was younger I really wanted to be a doctor because I wanted to give back to what I got. But now I have kind of realized I may not be smart enough haha. But there are many other ways I can give back which I cam currently doing now. I fund raise "Alex's Lemonade stand" "Lunch for Life" check the sites out their pretty cool. I also attend a fundraiser in Chicago for the cancer I had. But back to the book haha. I think she finds joy and faith because the child she is working with is so young and has to go through so much and yet is still happy because she doesn't know any different. And yes also because she is fighting so hard, she is the first to go through a bone marrow transplant a very long and painful thing, but she is still always smiling and is happy, this gives the doctor faith, and also faith for herself. But this book was given to my mom when I was going through treatment, it helped her a lot. My mom showed it to me a few years ago and thought it would be a good thing for me to read.
sorry this is so long! but I really appreciate you reading my blog!!
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