Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reading #3

I read in article in the paper about lving in a multigenerational home. In the article it was a mom with a son that was 17. Also in the home was her daughter also with a son and a boyfriend, her son was 5. This article was about living with family that also has family. A little confusing. But the article said that this is more likely to start happening to young adults to come live at home because of the economy. There has been in increase of 65 percent more families doing this from 2000-2007. It can really help out the young adults to get there lives straight. They can now settle and look for jobs without the worry of paying for there home. It really helps them be less stressful and now they can make the correct desecion on the choice of future they want to take. I think this is a really great thing because it helps the younger ones so much. The economy is just going to keep getting worse so ill probably be back home with my parents when I get out of college.

1 comment:

Ms. Roehl said...

I read this article too. My son moved back home after college. Is Billy through with college yet? Do you think that he'll come back home.