Tuesday, January 20, 2009

reading #17

I read an article in the Sun Current about the Edina Dance Team.  The article is rather short but it talks about how the Edina dance team took 2nd place at a very tough dance competition in Apple Valley.  And that they had a conference meet in Amrstrong the next week.  This article may mean nothing to some people, but to Edina dance team it means a lot.  The reason this article means so much is because Edina dance team are the underdogs.  In the previous years they would have never scored that well at a dance competition.  They have recently changed from hornettes being a fall and winter sport, to hornettes in the fall and Dance Team in the winter.  So you have the option of doing either.  The reason Edina dance team is coming out is because the girls on the team are the girls that really want to be there and that work hard.  Edina dance team has gained more respect and fans in this past season.  They are definitely going somewhere and will keep stepping up each year.  I can't wait to see how it goes in the next few years.

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