Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog # 11 global issue

I read an article in the sun current about a global issue. It's about the United States buying bonds and poor nations are suffering. The article says Americans are ditching foreign ventures and taking money home. They say these actions are lifting the value of the dollar. Obama is trying to rescue banks and do whats best for us in a time like this. This is really hard because now where the problem started in the United States we are bringing problems to other places. And the market is so bad we really need to get out of stocks and bonds, it's just going to hurt people more. And buying bonds from other countries won't work because they economy is most likely going to go down hill also. It says low income countries are getting hit very hard. The flow of private capital to the emerging market has dried up. This economy is really scaring me. My family and I really have to watch how much money we spend. It starts to scare me because I know my parents work so hard, and we have 2 kids in college and I am very expensive. I just really hope this gets better because my dad comes home everyday so bummed out about everything. It's really not fair. And by the time I go to college prices will be up a lot more, which is going to be something very hard for us to afford. I just really hope things start to get better me family really needs it.


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