Monday, March 2, 2009

Blog #8 culture

I read an article in the Star Tribunes about Liberians. These Liberians are living here and are going to be forced to move out of Minnesota and back to Liberia. Their temporary permission to live here ends March 31. The difference between Liberia and the United States are vast. The Liberian families have to go back to a war-ravaged place where there is no electricity, their is no running water, and people are only expected to live until they are 42. Liberia is so different then the United States I can see why people wouldn't want to live there. I think we should figure something better out for the people that have to go back their. It's really sad to see them have to go their, it's no like we chose where we were going to be born, nor did they. We really need to do something. We should really help where the problem starts which is Liberia itself. That would be a good thing to do since we are so lucky to live where we do today.

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