Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Outside Reading
Outside Reading
Outside Reading
Monday, May 25, 2009
Outside Reading
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Outside Reading
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Outside Reading
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Outside Reading
Monday, May 4, 2009
Number Poem
There were seven people
They made a septical
They liked to ride a septacylce
They wish they had spetuplits
But I gues you don't always get what you want
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Choice Reading #2
Monday, April 27, 2009
spontaneous poem
I skip on the ground, I swim in the pool
I fly in the sky, the brick does not dance
My friends like to twirl, in the blue
I am happy when I laugh, I sing to the clouds
I slide in the green grass
The blue sky makes me want to run
The 7 hands I wish I could use to help the world
The sour taste of gummy worms
gives the sweet smell of candy
Oh yes, life is good
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Blog #1
Monday, April 20, 2009
So Much Depends
the struggle trying to get it open
So much depends upon the soft creamy texture
the dark brown, sugar, chocolate smell
So much depends upon the peanuts
mixed with chocolate, all to eat
So much depends upon the sun
the blue skies, birds chirping, heat beating on my skin
and the flowers sprouting
So much depends upon the air
fresh taste of sun and
cool wind blowing through my hair.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
citing: I don't know where to put it yet...but I can change it later but here they are.
Burr, J. Millard and Robert O. Collins (2006) Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster, Markus Wiener, Princeton N.J.,
Daly, M.W. (2007) Darfur's Sorrow: A History of Destruction and Genocide, Cambridge University Press,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Blog #15 overcoming odds

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Blog #14 Love

I found a very informational website about the genocide in Darfur. This website also shows you how you can help and prevent the genocide in Darfur. The article had many facts about the genocide and how to prevent it. Here are some of the facts.
- 400,000 civilians have died in the past five years.
- 90% of targeted villages have been destroyed in Darfur.
- 250,000 people have Left Darfur to go to Chad, but they are also facing violence there.
- 80% of people displaced are women, these women and young girls are constant victims of sexual violence and are abducted into sexual slavery.
People in Darfur have no where to go. We need to help them because they try to escape but yet where they escape to are also victims of violence. Those are just a couple of facts that I have put in my own words. I think these facts will be very helpful and useful in the research paper because they show the reality of Darfur.
There are also somethings that we can do to help stop this violence. Even our school here at EHS is helping to stop the genocide. We need to help Darfur because the people there have no other place to turn to. How would you feel if you were left in a situation that horrible that you can't get out of it? The biggest thing we can do is join and advocacy group. And in that group we need to contact the president so we knows, and can do something. The more people to contact the president the better, because then he'll know more people car and are thinking about it. Therefor he will most likely do something about it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Research Paper: Genocide in Darfur
Blog #13 war
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blog #12 Imperialism
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Blog # 11 global issue
Blog #10 holiday

I read an article on Wikipedia about Valentines Day. The reason I chose to right and article about Valentines Day is because I know it's not a religious holiday and it's just a calender holiday. I wanted to know how and why they decided to make this a holiday, it's very interesting. This holiday was named after to early Christians named valentine, this became associated with romantic love, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. This holiday has gone on since the 19th century and that's when it started with greeting cards. In Great Britain in the 19th century cards and Valentines Day was very popular. The Greeting Card Associating says that one billion cards are sent out in the whole world on this day. The second leading holiday for greeting cards after Christmas. Wow this one really surprised me, Valentines Day isn't even a real holiday just something someone made up and it makes that much money. It's weird that people follow through with it. It also says men spend twice as much money as women. Why is it that it's always the men's job to figure out the plans and buy the nice things? That one just always gets to me but I guess it's okay cause I'm the girl! But I also thing Valentines Day sets people up for disappointment. If you have a boyfriend or married or whatever the case you always hope and expect for this great day. Which usually never happens because all food places are full, and everything is packed. I think you should always shoot low. Just being with that special person should be enough. My dream Valentines Day would just be cooking dinner with my boyfriend and watching a movie with a fire, and just being together. I think Valentines Day should just be about being together and not the money or the gifts or anything. Just happiness, togetherness, joy, and love :)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Blog #9 Bollywood
Blog #8 culture
Monday, February 23, 2009
Blog #7 change
Blog #6 hope
Monday, February 16, 2009
Blog #5, Religion
Blog # 4, Gender Roles