Sunday, September 21, 2008


The adjective that best describes me would be miracle. The reason this adjective describes me is because I survived cancer, have no side effects from all of the treatment I received, and I give hope to many family’s. I survived a rare and most deadly childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. This makes me a miracle because rarely kids survive. I had 9 rounds of harsh chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow removed. My parents knew the side effects this could have given my body, but it was worth the risk for my survival. This makes me even more of a miracle that I went through all that treatment yet I’m still like any other person my age, playing all the sports I can. I am also a miracle to other families because of the hope I can bring them. This makes me feel very good about myself, because of my journey I am that miracle they are looking for. After all I’ve been through I like to consider myself a miracle

1 comment:

Katherine B. said...

That is so interesting. I would have never guessed that you had cancer.