Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blog #1

I'm reading a book called New Moon. This is a very good book. It is in the series of books called twilight. The reason I chose to read this boo is because I just finished Twilight and watched the movie so I had to have more. I like this book because it can refer to my life and also to imagination. It is nice to have something to relate to, but also nice to have something that I don't see everyday and that I can have fun with. I am already on page 60 and I'm really liking it. It was recently Bella's birthday. Bella went over to Edwards house for her birthday and they threw a party for her. She was not too thrilled about this because she does not like attention. They all ended up getting her presents, which she also was not to happy about. While she was opening on of her gifts she got a paper cut and started bleeding, and remember she is in a house with all vampires. So Edward tries to save her and throws her with him away from Jasper. Then she gets cut even more and is bleeding a ton. Jasper is new to this whole not eat people thing, so he really wants to have Bella's blood. Edward did a good job keeping her safe. After the accident Carlisle stitches Bella back up and she is okay. Edward takes her home and spends the night. But the next day Bella wonders why Edward is acting so weird. She is pondering all the ideas and this really scares her. This is where I pretty much left off. I can't wait to read on!

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