Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Outside Reading

I read more of Twilight and I find even more connections. This book can really connect to a teenagers life because many teenagers go through boyfriends and girlfriends, and also very hard breakups. Bella is still going through her hard breakup and her dad is getting very worried about her. It has been about 5 months now. People in real life can take this long to get over a boyfriend or girlfriend. But personally I think to mope around like Bella is doing is going to get you no where. You need to take your mind off of that person, and off of what happened. You do this by hanging out with your friends, doing fun things, and meeting new people. Bella's dad is trying to get her to do this. Bella tries to make him happy by asking an old friend to go to a movie with her. Bella's old friend is very surprised she talked to her, and even more surprised she invited her to a movie. This can also happen when you are in a relationship. Bella lost all of her old friends while she was dating Edward. I think this is something very important not to do, especially in high school. I think it was bad of Bella to lose her old friends. But luckily for her Bella's friend agrees to go the the movie. Many girls now a days would not agree. They are much more stubborn and would care a lot more about what they did in the past. The connections from the book are very similar to teenagers lives today.

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