Tuesday, January 20, 2009

reading #18

I read another article in the Edina Sun Current.  This article is about the little girl Abigail Taylor who had the extreme pool accident at the Minneapolis Golf Club kiddy pool.  Her organs were sucked out of the back end of her.  Sadly Abigail did not live.  Now they are making new pool safety and regulation rules.  Her pool safety act went into affect in Minnesota on Jan. 1.  New federal pool regulations went into affect Dec. 19.  Pool and spa operators had one year to comply with the new federal regulations.  Now all public pools and spas must have a compliant drain covers and an anti-entrapment system when there is only a single main drain.  They are making this a big deal because they don't want it to happen to any other child because it's not fair.  I think this is very smart and safe.  It should not have happened to Abigail, but it did so they need to prevent it from it happening to any other child.

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